SPA Promo! Watch it!

SPA product review - watch!

SPA Product Review - Watch at 16:40!

Hello and welcome!

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Hello and welcome to my blog SIMPLY PURE AND AUTHENTIC!  My name is Dr. Kathy and I’m so glad you are here.  I am an educator and an entrepreneur who is on an exciting journey to living my BEST life!  Just like you perhaps, I’m pursuing multiple passions….my career in higher ed and my newly launched business, SIMPLY PURE AND AUTHENTIC, a natural and organic hair and skin care product line.  I am so proud of my products as they are made with the finest elements from nature’s green earth AND they are handmade by me with a whole lot of love and care!  While I will be posting about a lot of exciting and fun things, the main purpose of this blog is to provide aspiring and new entrepreneurs with “hacks” and information to help navigate the world of business that can often lead to frustration, feeling overwhelmed under a mound of options that ignite fear.  We all know that when we are faced with too many options especially if they are not clear, often result in NO ACTION.  That is, NOT taking the first step or moving beyond the first step.  I’ve been there and have looked around only to find that years have passed with little to no progress made.  I think you would agree that it’s not a good feeling at all. 

As a professional and an entrepreneur, I am constantly researching appropriate steps to take in in pursuing my goals both strategically AND confidently.  It has not been easy thus far but once I became aware of my options along with their pros and cons, I became more clear and focused.  I am at a point now where I can share with others like you and hopefully, help make things clear that will motivate you take the plunge!  The plunge to pursue some form of training or education; a new or different career or the plunge to start a business that you may have in mind.  If you are not pursuing an education, career or a business at this time, you are more than likely here to follow my journey for inspiration, encouragement, or simple tips to better navigate everyday life!  It is my hope that you will gain something every time you visit Simply Pure and Authentic.  Which reminds me…while you’re here now, go ahead and SUBSCRIBE so you can be alerted whenever I post something new.

Thank you for listening!  Now, onward and upward! Go live your BEST life!


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