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Do you set goals AND write them down?

Setting goals is nice but do you also write them down?

Setting daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals can be a challenge.  Executing those goals and tackling them in sizeable chunks can be overwhelming.  But, what if we never actually write down our goals and an action plan for achieving them?  Talk about an unproductive outcome in many cases let alone overwhelming.   

In a Forbes article written by Ashley Fienstein, she said, “According to a study done by Gail Matthews at Dominican University, those who wrote down their goals accomplished significantly more than those who did not write down their goals.”  Personally, I’ve found when I write down my goals, I have a frame of reference or a roadmap to refer on a regular basis.  I’ve met so many people who have shared how it’s a great challenge to write down their goals even though they agree that it’s probably advantageous to their success.  If you are one of those individuals who feels the same way, do not fret!  I’m here to help.  Download my free monthly goal printable where you can break down your goals by each week.

Why not start now?  A new month is upon so take advantage of the July worksheet.  Establish at least one goal for the month and break it down in actionable steps each week.  End the month with reflection!



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